A Lactation Consultant in the Making…
I had a home visit this past weekend. Home visits are just the best—I usually get to meet the whole family, and this weekend was no exception. Miss Izzy is 3 years old and obviously a very smart little girl. Her world has changed since her baby brother arrived just over a week ago. And her “make believe” play has broadened as her inquisitive little self watched when I sized her mom for flanges.
Her mom sent me this adorable picture of Izzy and had this to say…
I’m attaching this picture of Izzy because I thought you might get a kick out of it! Three year olds truly are something special! Later yesterday afternoon she was playing in her kitchen. She pulled out this muffin tin and brought it over to me. She held it up and said “put your boob in this!” I’m guessing she thought it looked like the tool you were using to measure for flange size! She is a sponge absorbing everything she hears and sees! —-Izzy’s Mom
I just can’t even. How amazing are little children? Here is a picture of my pink flange sizing tool for reference. Her imagination is spot on!
In honor of National IBCLC Day coming up this week, I think it’s only fitting to highlight the future of lactation in the eyes of this sweet little girl.