Motherhood Top Ten (from us seasoned moms)

What a whirlwind of events the last few months with our kids, and Landon in particular. It has all been so, so good. But also so overwhelming. I am not the first to experience this and will not be the last. So moms, be ready! Senior year, the month of May–seriously, start your mental preparation NOW!

I told one of my work besties the other day, you honestly need to bank your vacation time so you can experience every last ounce you can when your baby graduates.Take off the month of May and don’t make the mistake of returning to work the Monday after like I did this year!! She has a few years, so I’m confident she can get that done. 🙂

I have had a lot of time to reflect on the past few years, and lots and lots of conversations through the different seasons of raising children. I thought it would be fun and maybe a bit therapeutic (for me!) to compile some of the things I’ve learned while navigating motherhood. 

The very FIRST bit of advice being…

Find your tribe. 

There was a time when I was a mom of basically two babies very close in age. I stayed at home with them, for the most part. In fact, I worked at the hospital mostly because it was such a huge outlet for me to work in a place I loved, doing something I loved–and also a great way for Steve to grow his relationship with the kids without me getting in the way! When I was home alone with them, as much as I knew that was my biggest desire–I still found myself lonely.

I look back on the seasons of motherhood and realize how important and life-changing it was when I “found my tribe”. That tribe has changed through the years. You’ll find there are people who move in and out of your life–and this is to be expected! There is a reason they are there at that specific time. Embrace who God brings to you. And maybe just as importantly, who God may send away from you. I am so blessed to have always found a tribe surrounding me when I needed it most.

Some of my tribe

So, in no particular order, a few pieces of advice from my tribe and a few of us who have gone before…wow, I sound ancient!!

  1. Parenting is the most competitive sport you will every play…so be a good sport, know that your role is unique and special and only you can play it! Don’t worry about how others are playing theirs. [Wow, that’s impressive—wish I had come up with that!!]

  2. It’s ok if your kids do not show the same interests as you. They may not practice piano and play concertos like you did. But, the love of music could be shown in other ways—such as a french horn! [I’m looking at you, Landon]

  3. Be aware of your phone time. Make sure your children don’t feel like whoever is texting you is more important than them! [I can attest to this with my friend. She would just be getting to the good part of her story when her kids walk in and she’d have to call me back!]

  4. You will never have a first baby again. [I say this in love to all of my babies who came after the first. But there are no other people to care of besides your baby with your first. No other responsibilities. So savor it. Hold them. Rock them. Because soon other blessings could come! Kassidy Ashlyn was the BEST surprise we didn’t know we needed!]

  5. Our children are just little humans learning to do life like we are. Be chill about things your children do that you don’t like, as long as it’s not dishonoring or disrespecting God or people—do not pressure them to be perfect.

  6. Try to be a “yes” mom, meaning whenever possible say yes to things—so then when you have to say “no”, they are more likely to respect it.

  7. Learn from other’s mistakes, so you don’t have to go though it. [this applies to WAY more than parenting and motherhood!]

  8. Like for real—sleep when your baby sleeps!

  9. Do not compare. You were chosen by God to be the mom to your children—so embrace that. He knew what he was doing!!

  10. It’s ok to ask for help.

And here’s a bonus bit of advice that I just love. Especially now that we have been through the trenches and just graduated our babies…

*****Your kids are never as good as you think they are—and never as bad as you think they are.*******

Stay humble. The minute you are not—they will humble you!!!

Motherhood is the best.


Lolli’s Lesson: Are your boobs buzzed?


Lolli’s Lesson: Introducing a Bottle