Mommy Memory Keeping Hack

While cleaning out a spare bedroom which had become the “catch all” storage area, an unexpected sweet surprise was found.

A rugged notebook with chew marks held the sweetest of memories. I remember hearing somewhere to make short little “jots” down in a notebook whenever you can. Small details, one-liners your children say or do that you don’t want to forget. Or if you use a “planner” like I have for years, all over your daily calendar. I still do this today—for sermon notes, Christmas ideas, party plans, etc. You could use your “notes” app on your phone as well!

I called Steve in to read with me a few of the brief notes I had written. It opened up a floodgate of things we had forgotten. Like Natalie wondering why God doesn’t sleep, because he drinks pop? (See where I went here with my parenting…she knew God didn’t sleep, and that pop could likely be the reason—ha!) Or when Kass was refusing to eat because she couldn’t remember her prayer. Or the not so pleasant memory of Kourtney pooping on the dining room table. (no, we do not have the table any longer!)

Mamas!! Take the time to do this. It will bless you in ways you’ll never know when those incredibly precious days with your babies become distant memories.

Kaufman Kiddos Spring 2005


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