Lolli’s Lesson: Do NOT Compare
This message is for everyone, but I really want the sweet breastfeeding, pumping mamas to hear it loud and clear. Please don’t compare your amount of breastmilk to anyone else’s. Don’t compare the amount you are producing. Don’t compare what it looks like or smells like. Don’t compare how long it takes you to pump. Just don’t do it. I know it’s SUPER hard when we are inundated on every social media platform with tips, tricks, hacks and TikToks showing you what others are doing.
You might have 1 bag of pumped milk to someone else’s 10 bags. It’s OK!
Babies, moms, dads, pregnancies, boobs, breastmilk, breastfeeding, pumping, sleeping, weight gain, weight loss, ALL vary depending on each individual and experience. If you have questions as to whether you should be concerned, absolutely contact your pediatrician, provider, or lactation consultant. But until then…please do NOT compare.