Remember the Lasts

As a mom, I have documented so many firsts. I remember the excitement of becoming a mom to each one of my kids. I could hardly wait until some of those monumental firsts as babies grow and develop at what seems like warped speeds. Of course, there were many long days and nights. Times when I wondered what it would be like to sleep through the night again? Wondering when I would ever have my body to myself!? Or if I would ever be able to carve out time to exercise? What about potty training—will my child ever get out of diapers? Stop sucking on a pacifier or their thumb? Will they ever eat anything besides chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and hotdogs?

What was after one of the biggest basketball championships…or so we thought!

As an almost “empty nester” my life has been full of lasts. I feel like I have been on this wild ride the last few years—and I’m trying so hard to put my foot on the brake, but it doesn’t slow anything down. This last year, in particular, has been a wave of emotions. God has protected my heart so many times—the most amazing time being a State Basketball Championship to end an era of many, many basketball games between our four kids. At 2 minutes left of that final game, I was overwhelmed with emotion—dreadfully close to the ugly cry (just ask my girls!) But then as quickly as my eyes filled with tears, I was overcome with happiness and all we could do was celebrate! You will have a hard time wiping the smile off any of our faces when talking about Landon’s last handful of games. Thank you God for giving us that gift!

I found myself at the ironing board last Saturday morning preparing a very wrinkled, straight out of the dryer (with a wet towel that didn’t work) black dress shirt that Landon only wears a few times a year for his band competitions. It struck me in that moment this was the last. The very last time I would rush around before a performance to make sure he didn’t look like he had slept in his clothes. The last time we would most likely ever hear a french horn solo. I’m not going to lie, it was a hard morning there in my closet with the ironing board, iron, black shirt and my coffee.

Remember the lasts, mommies. There is going to be a time when your baby wakes you up to eat at night for the very last time. (I can hear some of you cheering—ha!) There is going to be one last time you change a diaper…I promise, it’s coming! There will be a time when she no longer wants a bedtime story, but instead wants to read it herself. There will be a time he does not want a hug goodbye on the first day of school. And all of the sudden you’re not “mommy” anymore, but instead just “mom”. Can I remember the last time someone called me mommy? Honestly, no. I don’t remember.

I dropped Landon off at school this morning because his car was left at the school. I guess this would be the last time I dropped him off for school? His very last last day of school is just days away. His kindergarten first day was hard for me—so that will give you a bit of an idea where I’m at emotionally here this month of May.

Remember those lasts, because they come fast and furious.

Looking for a meaningful gift for families in your life? Check this book out—so precious!

***the most beautiful book every parent should have and read to your babies****

I got this book for all of my close mommy friends when we were in the trenches of raising our babies together. It was such a sweet, sweet time in my life.


Get Off to a Good Start!


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