SHINE in 2023
2022 Steph had ZERO clue what was to transpire for 2023 Steph. “Shine” at that time was something I had in different places throughout my home in reference to one of my favorite scripture passages Matthew 5:16 and had been something we continually talked about in our family. Little did I know how God had written that scripture on my heart for such a time as this. SHINE as you know, has become of even more significance as Shine Lactation + Postpartum Support was born in February of 2023.
The idea of private practice lactation was not new, but ME in private practice definitely was. And a concept I knew nothing about. I found myself with some extra time during my week between working at the hospital, cheering my kids on at basketball games, and beginning to think about the changes we would soon experience as we sent our last to college and anticipated our “empty nest” era. I tried out this private practice lactation idea on a few of my trusted friends and family, and was surprised at the overwhelming “you have to do this” and encouragement from many, including Steve and the kids. So, I got to work. I researched other private practice lactation consultants in Kansas and quickly realized there was a definite need in the central Kansas area.
I began by choosing a name, a logo, and hiring a web designer. I knew that I was going to need to have a legitimate business if I was going to do this the right way. We decided to make it an LLC and sought legal counsel to make sure we didn’t miss anything. In talking with others in private lactation, I determined that applying to become a partner with The Lactation Network was an important piece to begin with and on March 20th, 2023 I had my phone consultation with them to begin the process. And 3 days later I was set and ready to begin seeing patients through The Lactation Network—except, I wasn’t quite ready.
The Lactation Network was a huge step in starting my private practice in lactation.
This enables potential families to easily check to see if their lactation support could be covered for FREE! Click here or scan above.
Shine Lactation + Postpartum Support 2023 Timeline
February>>>>> Idea was born >>>>>> February 27 >>>> Instagram and Facebook Business Pages Created >>>> March 1 >>>>> Infant Massage Curriculum Completed >>>>March 27 >>>> Infant Massage Parent Classes begin >>>> March 29 >>>>1st SHINE client in Wichita, KS >>>> April 25 >>>> Website Launched >>>> April 26 >>>> First Blog Post published >>>> April 27 >>>> 1st TLN client >>>> May 11 >>>> Certified Educator of Infant Massage completed >>>> June >>>> 5 SHINE clients >>>> July >>>> 10 SHINE clients >>>> August 10 >>>> SHINE Office GRAND OPENING >>>> August 24 >>>>1st OFFICE client >>>> August >>>> 18 SHINE clients >>>> September 3 >>>> Newborn SLEEP Support Certification >>>> October 6 >>>> 1st VideoCare Visit >>>> October 13>>>> 1st Prenatal Visit >>>> October >>>> 24 SHINE visits >>>> November >>>> “Babies in Common” Flange sizing training >>>> December >>>>1st Introducing Solids visit >>>>
Shine Lactation + Postpartum Support 2023 in Numbers
52 Families
1 Preemie
4 Exclusive Pumpers
14 months—Oldest Baby at time of visit
36 hours—Youngest Baby at time of visit
10—most visits by one family
Where are all of the SHINE families?
21 different locations!
Little River
St. John
Fun Facts!
**Most popular pump flange size = 15mm
**Most popular electric pump: Spectra
**Home visits are THE most popular type of visit in 2023
**Average visit length = 45 minutes
**58% girls
**42% boys
I want to thank you all for your support and trusting me with your family!
2024 here we come!