Where It All Began

If you know me at all, you would know that I may have a slight obsession with babies–and oh how I love a pregnant momma! I believe this started very young in my life. Did I have any other interest besides baby dolls as a young girl? No, probably not much. I take that back. Maybe with kitties? Which grew up and became neighborhood cats, and in turn became pregnant momma cats. See where I’m going here? I can look back and see where it all started—I was a labor and delivery nurse as a first grader—it just was of the “feline” variety!

In all seriousness, I knew from a very young age that when I grew up I wanted to do something with babies. Along the way it was babysitting, which was an absolute joy to “pretend” like I was the mommy. Little did any of the families know, I totally played “house” every time I babysat. I specifically remember my aunt bringing her twin baby nephews to my house for me to babysit.  I now believe she was going for “favorite aunt’ status and gotta say, she knocked that out of the park! I would look in the mirror while holding them and think how fun twins would be! And actually prayed for twins with each pregnancy ( I now know God answered that prayer differently than expected, as I have had special people in my life blessed with twins–it just wasn’t me!) I was blessed, however, with four kids of my own. I remember the first week after Natalie was born, our first baby girl. I told my husband “this is exactly what God made me to be”. I truly had never felt more “myself” than I did when I became a mom. 

Backing up a bit to my career choice. Until I could go to college, babysitting, church nursery, bible school, you name it–anything I could do to get my hands on babies and toddlers I was ALL in. Perhaps the best gift during my high school years was when my two much younger brothers were born. I see now how God orchestrated the direction of my life in so many ways. Nursing became a clear choice for me early on and I was able to begin the road to a career that gave me everything I could want and more.

I began my nursing career in labor, delivery, postpartum and nursery. It was a dream come true almost 27 years ago. I loved it so much, and although I adjusted hours here and there to raise my babies, I never left the hospital where I began. And 27 years later? Well, I’ve learned a lot. And as much as things change in our world, the more they stay the same. Having babies is still the same. Pregnant mommas still have the same questions and worries. New moms and families still have to adjust to life with a newborn, whether it’s their first or their 4th. And I love being there for all of it! 

As SHINE begins to unfold, I hope that you see where my passions are greatest. There is no greater accomplishment than when your passions can help meet a need for others. I’m excited to begin this adventure with you!

Cassidy Corrigan Thiesen

Simply Lynn’s Creative offers a variety of creative services to help build, grow, and manage your brand’s marketing. Services offered include: web design, content creation, social media and email marketing.

Whether you need a marketing plan to launch your business or fresh content to tell your story, we can help you build an authentic and actionable brand.


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